Internal reporting system of Paradise Casino Admiral, a.s.

Paradise Casino Admiral, a.s., Company ID: 25336991, with registered office at No. 146, 683 01 Komořany, in accordance with Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2019 on the protection of persons reporting breaches of Union law (hereinafter referred to as the “Directive”) and in accordance with Act No. 171/2023 Coll., on the protection of whistleblowers  (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”), has established an internal reporting system intended for persons who perform work or similar activities for the company (hereinafter referred to as the “reporters”) and who have learned about illegal conduct related to the company’s activities in connection with the performance of their work or similar activities and wish to report it.


Notification can only be made to the appropriate person:

The responsible person for the company’s internal reporting system is Mgr. Martin Lajza.


The notifier may make the notification in the following ways:

  1. in writing, in paper form, which can be sent to the address Paradise Casino Admiral, a.s., No. 146, 683 01 Komořany with the following envelope marking: “Notice – do not open – exclusively for the attention of the Relevant Person”,
  2. in writing, in electronic form to the e-mail address mlajza@edpsro.cz,
  3. orally on the phone line +420 720 033 793 on working days between 9:00 and 17:00,
  4. personal meeting (needs to be agreed with the relevant person – Mgr. Martin Lajza in advance by phone at +420 720 033 793).


The whistleblower can also use the reporting system of the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic available at https://oznamovatel.justice.cz/chci-podat-oznameni/.

The report can also be made anonymously. An anonymous report is one in which the reporter does not provide his/her name, surname or other information that would allow him/her to be identified. In the case of an anonymous report, it is useful to provide a telephone number or e-mail address through which the reporter can be contacted while maintaining anonymity. The inability to contact the reporter may negatively affect the investigation of the report and the protection of the reporter.

The Company, as a mandatory entity under the law, in accordance with the provisions of Section 9, Paragraph 2, Letter a) of the Act, excludes accepting notifications from persons who do not perform dependent work for the Company in an employment relationship, professional practice or internship.

Before submitting a report, please read the “Information for Reporters Before Submitting a Report” below carefully in your own interest.


Information for notifiers before submitting a notification

What are the obligations of the whistleblower?

The reporting person should, given the circumstances and information available to him at the time of the report, have a valid reason to believe that the facts reported or published are authentic and true. Therefore, it is not possible to report facts that are knowingly false. Such conduct may be perceived as false accusation under Section 345 of Act No. 40/2009 Coll., Criminal Code.

When obtaining documents proving the reported facts, the whistleblower should not commit any actions that could be considered a criminal offense.

The whistleblower should act in the public interest and in good faith that the report he or she is making is based on credible facts and circumstances.

The whistleblower should be able to identify the area of concern (see below) and consider what verifiable information about the reported misconduct they can provide. The scope and quality of the information provided can positively influence the way the report is investigated. Comprehensive information for whistleblowers can be found at: https://oznamovatel.justice.cz/informace-pro-oznamovatele/.