established at Paradise Casino Admiral, a.s.

The company Paradise Casino Admiral, a.s., ID number: 25336991, with registered office no. 146, 683 01 Komořany in accordance with the provision of § 17 paragraph 5 of Act No. 186/2016 Coll., the Gambling Act (hereinafter referred to as the ” the Gambling Act “), hereby determines the method of canceling a user account maintained in accordance with the Gambling Act and publishes the addresses at which it receives requests to cancel the user account.

The Company accepts requests to cancel a user account

a) at any place where you register for gambling, i.e. in all casinos and gaming rooms operated by the company;

b) via a postal service provider, sent to the address Paradise Casino Admiral, as, Komořany no. 146, 683 01 Komořany;

c) through the user account of the gambling participant in case of a user account forinternet game on the website;

d) in a remote-enabled way, by sending it to the company’s mailbox with the identifier nmkfj9c .

In the case of submitting a request in the manner specified under point b) and d), the company publishes the format and content of the request for cancellation of the user account, which is available here.

Before submitting a request to cancel a user account, the company recommends withdrawing all funds registered on the user account, which can be done:

a) use self-service withdrawal devices or cash registers in the case of a land base user account in a gaming room or casino before submitting an application;

b) in a gaming room or casino by filling out a request to send them to a bank account, where you must prove that it is held in your name (for legal reasons, we require a confirmation of account management, a statement from this account, a contract for managing this account, or another way of proving ownership of the account).

c) in the case of a user account for internet game, by entering the withdrawal of funds through the user account on the website

In  case of submitting a request to cancel a user account using remote communication means, i.e. the methods indicated under points b) to d) above, the company will send you a confirmation of receipt of the request for cancellation of the user account using the contact data recorded in the user account.

In case of submitting a request to cancel a user account in a gaming room or casino, you will be issued a written confirmation of its acceptance directly on the spot.